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How to be a curator?

Everyone can apply to be a curator through VineFinance by executing the "register" action in Governance and waiting for governance approval.

struct MarketInfo{
bool validState;
uint16 feeRate;
uint64 bufferTime;
uint64 endTime;
address feeReceiver;
address creator;

struct HookCrossRecord {
uint32 destinationDomain;
uint64 lastestTime;
uint64 lastestBlock;
uint64 usdcNonce;
bytes32 destHook;
uint256 lastestCrossAmount;

//Register and get vetted to become a curator
function register(uint16 _feeRate, uint64 _bufferTime, uint64 _endTime, address _feeReceiver) external:

Once approved as a curator, they can customize any module (only user-defined modules that pass the review process can be adopted by the community)

After becoming a curator, they can submit custom hooks, or choose to use official hooks, and freely combine them into their own yield strategies based on the modular system.